January Birthstone Garnet | January Birthstone Bling

January birthstone is Garnet


The traditional January birthstone is Garnet.

Garnet has long been associated with Faithfulness and Friendship, Truth and Purity.

Metaphysical Properties of the Garnet
It is a powerful stone for energizing and regeneration.
Garnet cleanses and re-energizes the Chakra System.
Removes inhibitions, removes negativity.
Stimulates the Metabolic System.

Healing Properties of the Garnet
Purifies and re-energizes the blood, heart, lungs and also fights infection.
Helps with spinal and cellular disorders.

January birthstone garnet 403

Birthstones Offer Protection and Good Fortune

It’s has long been believed that by wearing your birthstone you will be offered
protection and good fortune…so wear your January birthstone, Garnet in good health!


~ The Metaphysical House and Garden

Birthstones and Gemstones | January Birthstone Bling | Garnet